Saturday, January 23, 2010

What Size ?

Look what happens when you give in a little, before you know it,  he takes over your life.  Be careful what you let in. 

I am not a animal person, up close and personal.   After trying to give the dog a good home and getting attached a bit more.   He believe he is a small lap dog.   See how different we can see ourselves.   He believes he is a small dog,  scared of little dogs and hides under the table. 

I see this as a spiritual lesson for humans.   We may see ourselves as small, but I believe with the Lords help.   The enemy sees how big we really are, spiritually!


Artsnark said...

Too cute - it really is all about perspective ;D

Christie said...

Beautiful dog! And you have a very nice blog as well!

Weezer said...

I love it, Kim. If you look back in my blog from around the 11th of January you'll see pictures of my baby that I lost a year ago. I always wanted a lap dog and that's what I got. A dog that filled my lap. Big dogs have such personalities and are so cuddly. I'm jealous.

Anonymous said...

That is so cute. And yes, it's really all about perspective, i suppose.

"We may see ourselves as small, but I believe with the Lords help. The enemy sees how big we really are, spiritually!"
I love this.
You are larger than life, my friend.
I could not admire you more!

~Erin~ said...

Awww...he's so cute! My dogs think they are lap dogs too. Doesn't take long to get attached does it!

Deborah Ann said...

Haha...a giant dog that thinks he's a lap dog. I love it!

Sara said...

Kim he is so cute and big! I bet he keeps you nice and warm though

Anjanette aka. MommaYoung said...

Awww, what cute little, I mean big lap dog! I want one.. Give him an extra hug form me please. :o)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I read several of your post, and came here to write because here i found the "reason" you call him horse dog. he is goregous. i love all dogs but the bigger the better for me. we have 2 but they are only 50 pounds each so not quite a horse like yours. you are blessed and i beleive God gave you your gaurd horse dog.

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