Thursday, December 3, 2009


I told my aunt, that had just buried her son a few weeks ago, that things could hardly be worse.  She said, yes they could, look at the guy who has been trapped in his body for 23 years.  They thought he was in a coma, but he knew everything that was going on, but could not speak.  Now with the aide of an computer, he is able to communicate.  He had been screaming for all those years.  It has been on the news, so  I hope I have the story correctly.

This is an update of my cousins death at 43.  The family is in the shock phase of grieving, of course.  I did want to let everyone know his Mother had a good attitude through her incredible loss.  She is still just surviving, day by day.  I believe all Mothers can have a bit of understanding.

Look around again and you can see someone in worse shape than you are.


Artsnark said...

Sending hugs & prayers to your family.

Unknown said...

So sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you as well.

And you're right, we all need to stop and be thankful for what we have. It can ALWAYS be worse!!

Take Care ;)

Inday said...

Tears for your Auntie Kim. Yes, for many of us who think that our life is worse when there could be something else elsewhere and somewhere whose situation is even far beyond repair or worst, irreparable. It is always our attitude that counts, the best antidote to any predicament we come through.

I like your thought provoking blog.

Kim, no joking; you can put this journal in print.

Karen said...

Very true....

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