Thursday, January 14, 2010

Nature Teaching Us....

Geese having fun in the frozen lake.  This is nature showing us to keep on living a good life, with challenges.  I know they may not feel the cold, but they are with their family. They are playing during, what we would call,  bad circumstances of life.

This is a testimony of recieving more than you dreamed of.  I could not imagine a view like this.  I have had a few obstacles but... When there is challenges, hope and look around for the better stuff.


awb said...

I couldn't agree more. It's still there, we just have to look harder!


Weezer said...

What wonderful words. Sometimes the bad things seem so big that it's hard to see around them to see the good. But my goodness, having that bad sure does make the good wonderful.

Artsnark said...

always a pleasure stopping by your blog. Hope you have a terrific weekend

MommyToTwoBoys said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am glad to have found you too! You said you liked my attitude and I can see why. You are the same way!!! I love your attitude in this post, just awesome. I try to think the same way. Some days I lose sight of all I am blessed with, but most days I am able to keep perspective.

Can't wait to get to know you better.

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