Wednesday, March 25, 2020

My 60th Birthday Quarantined

Hubs brought supper home after he got off work!  I was so happy....yum.

I blog every year, how happy I am to get a year older since back in the day, life with MS didn’t have too bright a future?

Since Covid-19 virus invaded, I have chosen to be self quarantined for now.....

My lovely daughter surprised me by getting all 4 of my sisters to video chat with me!  It was a fun video party!  I was in girl heaven but my hubs didn’t see it that way!

My tip to end with.....I personally find music is better for me than tv! 


MadSnapper said...

yum cake, better than cake to me.. a fun way to celebrate with your sisters. men don't get it. or maybe it was to noisy for hubby? happy belated 60th... I hope this virus is undercontrol by our next birthday or even mine in Sept would be nice

Elephant's Child said...

A very, very happy belated birthday to you.
These days almost anything is better for me than television. I really cannot cope with more than a very small exposure to the news.
Stay safe, and continue to enjoy girlie heaven.

Lisa said...

Happy birthday. Isn't it awesome that even now we can stay in touch with each other. We can celebrate together without being in the same room.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Glad to hear you are well, Happy Birthday!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Happy Birthday to you.

Pam said...

Happy Bday....I don't blame you having MS and getting out around the masses with this virus going around would not be good.

Chatty Crone said...

Happy birthday to you!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Happy 60th to you... Aren't Video Chatting and online church services, online classes just amazing???? So glad you ended up with a great birthday despite the situation. Thie CoVID-19 CoronaVirus will be something we will all remember for many, many years to come... Our Anvestors made it through much tougher times.. We will do it!!!!

Stay Healthy!!!

diane b said...

Take care and keep on listening to the music.

Sandi said...

Love the chicken sandwich birthday cake! Ha ha 😃

My Odd Sock said...

Happy belated birthday! Can't go wrong with Chik-Fil-A.

Connie said...

The video chat was a sweet gift. Happy belated birthday to you!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Just stopping by again to check on you... Hope you had a nice Easter ---and pray that you are WELL and SAFE....


jittfitness said...

happy bday to you...i hope next time you'll celebrate your bday with your friends

photowannabe said...

Hi, I'm here from Sandra's blog ...MadSnapper...
I love your Happy Birthday "cake" and candle...Chick fil A...what could be better?
Glad you are doing well during this difficult time.

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