Sunday, July 1, 2012

Square Wing Tip Dragonfly

I saw this unusual dragonfly in Georgia - July 2012...
I had never seen this dragonfly with a square wing tip before.

They were flying around very I grabbed my camera.
A few minutes later...there were two

PS: This detailed photo was emailed to me.
He saw this unusual dragonfly in Michigan on his window.


Elizabeth Grimes said...

Neat, I don't think I've ever seen one of those before.

Karen said...

I love dragonflies! These two look big! That is a unique pattern on the wings.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What neat dragonflies!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great catches, Kim... I probably have seen these before but had no idea what they were. Thanks!!!

Dawning Inspiration said...

I agree...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is very hard to get dragonfly shots for me. i have never seen any of these, i enlarged the photo and zoomed really big and they are certainly odd looking. you did good to get them with the coolpix.

Tracy said...

you did a great job at caputring them!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I clicked to get a closer look. I have never seen anything like this! I didn't even know such a thing existed!!! Very good catch!

DUTA said...

Kudos to you for the nice capture of the dragonflies! Well done.
On enlargement of the picture, they look beautiful.

Nicole said...

Is the way you always go through life?

Chatty Crone said...

Different is beautiful!

Connie Arnold said...

Quite unique! Isn't it wonderful what variety there is in creatures of all sorts, as well as in people?

Rachel said...

Their wings always remind me of signal flags! I agree we all feel different sometimes, it's how we deal with being different that makes us who we are and how others see us!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love dragonfly's but they are very difficult to photograph.

Becky Jane said...

They are so cool. I never new they existed. Thanks for sharing!

Together We Save said...

Never seen one of these. Very interesting.

Just Be Real said...

Pretty cool.

Karen said...

Those are unique!

I like how you brought in the analogy lesson...much like Solomon's writings of "nothing new under the sun"...even when we feel we are going through something alone and no one else would understand...there are others that have been through the same things....

Veronica Lee said...

Those are great shots! I love dragonflies!

Have a nice day!

Glory to God said...

Kim -

Those are cool! I don't think I've ever seen them before either. Wow!

Great pictures!

God bless!

Environmental Underground said...

Just took pic of similarly painted( square opaque) dragonfly in West Bloomfield, Michigan against my window, what a sight. On my window screen it measures 36 squares wide and nearly 30 in length. Wish I could figure out how to add picture.

Olivia said...

Ahhhh, beautiful and delicate. It is how I think of all of us on this journey. All of us unique with different shapes and phases. In the whole scheme of things we are blessed. I am thankful for your visit. Love and light your way!!!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

I am amazed at the different kinds of dragonflies, this one I have not seen before. COOL!!

beth said...

i've never seen such a !!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I've never seen anything like that!

S. Etole said...

I had no idea there were so many varieties of dragonflies until I started taking pictures.

Unknown said...

Just last week I observed a dragonfly in my yard and way trying to remember when I last saw one. As mosquito eating predators they are always welcome!

Caregivingly Yours, Patrick

diane b said...

That sure is a strange dragon fly.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

dragonflies are very cool....great shots of them.

Josho63 said...

Yes one landed in front of me yesterday so damn bizarre I snapped a pic of it never seen one before here in occoquan Virginia

Josho63 said...

How can I email you my pic I took it yesterday here in va let me know..! Zoomed in perfect pic wish I could post it..!

Sextant said...

I can't remember where you are at in Georgia, but I spent a lot of time in Augusta on business trips before I retired. There is a artificial wetlands built near the airport called Phinizy Swamp.

I got a ton of photos of dragon flies there, and some pictures of a cottonmouth too. What a mean looking snake.

Shane said...

I photographed one of these close up today. In Bear Delaware... very cool!

Environmental Underground said...

I have four more pics of square winged dragonfly taken 12 July 2013, my email is berubed at

Anonymous said...

this is amazing...My husband and I saw one of these on our front sidewalk, close to the house. We live in NJ..thank you for having this out there!!!

Anonymous said...

i saw one in my front yard! i live in winston salem, north carolina

Anonymous said...

There is one sitting in my backyard on the patio now.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a common whitetail dragonfly,
NY State

Eye-gor! said...

I saw this guy when I was home sick one afternoon in mid-August. He flew around my backyard for hours, and spent at least an hour in the late afternoon sunning on the patio, changing position every 30 seconds or so to test another sunny spot. I've never seen another dragonfly be stationary for as long as this one. The brownish-black flag appeared to have talons on top and bottom, which gave it an even more dragon-ish look. I couldn't see the rounded ends from my vantage point indoors, so I actually thought it had squared-off wings. This is the only dragonfly of this ilk that I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

I just had one of those land on my patio. Wow, I got a long close look, I never new those existed. A flagonfly.

Unknown said...

I live in Bakersfield California and just saw one flying in my backyard. Never have I seen anything like this. Does anyone know what it is called?

batyar55 said...

It is a Common Whitetail. Took pictures of one on
May 29, 2018 in Toronto, ON area.
Here is a link for more info about it and others:

Amazing creatures!

Unknown said...

Hi, I live on the Costa Blanca in Spain and I saw one of these beauties on the beach at Les Deveses today, sorry no photograph but wing markings were large and perfectly square.

Unknown said...

Just saw one in west Texas, never had seen one like that before.

Unknown said...

Hi I just saw one of these beautiful dragonflies in my back yard right now July 16 2018 I live in Miami fl. I have never seen one before, very interesting .

Anonymous said...

Some truly interesting details you have written.Helped me a lot, just what I
was looking for :D.

Unknown said...

I had one of these on my screen in Michigan.

Unknown said...

July 10, 2020. Orland Park. Il.
Just saw one on our front door. First time ever.

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