Monday, May 21, 2018

My MS Damaged Foot

My foot that was damaged by MS swells mostly in the evenings.  Since only one foot was swelling it did concerned me.

I went to a vascular surgeon. He did a scan of my veins and fortunately they were clear.

The doctor said neurological damage from strokes, MS etc. can cause the feet to swell.

He said I could try compression socks.  However they would be too hot for me.....the heat causes my legs to cramp.  At least elevating it does help.

Oh my! the aging body....have you ever heard of such?


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I know nothing about MS except what you have taught me, but have never heard this before. it truly is swollen. so sorry to hear this.

Elephant's Child said...

Snap. And snap on the impact of heat as well. Yet another reason I am grateful to be moving into the cooler months.
Good to hear that your veins are ok though.

DUTA said...

You don't have to use compression socks daily , but these socks improve blood circulation in the leg, and help with cramps. You should have a pair, cotton made (the simplest, the better. I bought mine at the dollar store). There are also foot and ankle compression sleeves. Try to dip your foot in warm water +vinegar. Vinegar does wonders in a lot of uses. And keep the foot elevated.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim i hope the swelling goes back down for you,since i broke my ankle in 3 places 7 mths ago if i am on my feet most of the day my foot swells too and i do what you do ,elevating it does help .
Glad your veins were clear,hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

Chatty Crone said...

I am so sorry - your feet look like they hurt.
I get a little swollen.
Can't you try the socks every other day?

Ruth Hiebert said...

That swollen foot looks painful.

Webster said...

In 2015 I got an edema related pressure sore on my right foot. I was wearing some lightweight canvas Gatas that I bought from the Land's End catalog. It took 14 months to heal during which I was to put no pressure on it at all. As a result I could no longer stand or put weight on my foot. As a result I lost all strength in my legs, and things have gone downhill for me from there. So I feel for you.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Oh my, Kim. It looks so painful. I hope you're able to get some relief soon.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Thanks for your comments. It is not painful maybe since it’s partially numb from the MS damage? It just looks strange.....I will try a compression sock though

My Odd Sock said...

Your right foot looks like my right foot. Even the same color!
Too bad it's not our left as we could split a pair of socks.

Pam said...

The aging body along with what you have going on has to be really hard. I feel for you and hope that you have some good days without the swelling.

Connie said...

I'm sorry to hear you are having the swelling. I hope you can get some relief from it. One of my ankles swells sometimes as a result of a previous injury. Like you, it causes numbness for me more so than pain. I'm glad to hear your veins were clear.

R's Rue said...

Feel better.

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