Friday, August 11, 2017

My PreCancerous Growth

I went to the dermatologist!  As you can see my wound above.  I had a white flat growth on my nose that was smaller than a pencil eraser.

The dermatologist didnt think it was cancerous but since it was a little strange acting they went ahead and biopsied it.

It came back as precancerous!  It was sun damage even though I had rarely sunbathed.   It was a shock for me but caught early.....

My advice is to get those strange blemishes checked out!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

glad you had it removed, we just had Bob's 2nd cancer removed this morning, he had a melanoma 3 months ago, this one was basil carcinoma. both biospys were positive, pre cancereous is best

Ginny Hartzler said...

You just never know. SO glad you went when you did, before it got any worse!!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Yes,good advice to get things checked in time.

Elephant's Child said...

Yes. My partner had five or six basal carcinomas removed recently.

Pam said...

I never thought about a white spot being something that needed to be checked. So glad that you caught it early and had it checked. Hoping that the spot on your nose heals fast.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I'm sorry you had to go through this, Kim, but so glad you caught it early. As I understand it, most of the problems we're expriencing now with this sort of thing is a result of the time spent in the sun when we were children or young adults. By the time we're smart enough to know how unwise it is to expose our skin to large doses of sunlight, the damage is already at work. Thanks for the reminder to get those spots checked early.

R's Rue said...


DUTA said...

Have you had any itching before it got removed or you just didn't like the sight of it? Anyway, the spot will be checked now regularly once a year or so, and that will give you peace of mind.

diane b said...

I'm glad you got it checked out before it turned into cancer. Take care.

Rose said...

Oh, yes, get them checked out! I have had 3 spots of basal cell skin cancer on my face. But I was always outside doing something and then worked at an apple orchard for almost 20 years and was outside all year long.

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