Sunday, November 27, 2016

Vote for Me

Happy Birthday to my grandson!  Can you believe he is three!

I ask for your vote in Healthline’s best blog contest (once every 24 hours) 

I know we are recovering from a brutal campaign but trust me this contest is much nicer!

It is a hassle the first time then easy each day til December 12th.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I found two places to vote for you but neither of them would let me, said authenctaion failed. sorry

Elephant's Child said...

Sadly my authentication failed too.

DUTA said...

@Sandra , you have to look up at the top and mark the authentication sign that says you're not a robot.
Well, I've voted and I'll do so again.

What a sweetie your grandson is, Kim! Happy Birthday to him and many happy returns of the day!

Ruth Hiebert said...

That young man is very handsome.

sprinkles said...

Your grandson is so handsome! I hope he had a wonderful birthday.

Karen said...

My, but he is a cutie! You have my vote!

Ginny Hartzler said...

He is just adorable!!! I voted for you. I hope you win!!

Small Kucing said...

happy birthday to the cutie pie :)

Managed to drop you a vote. Mine is vote num 9.

will try to vote again tomorrow

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