Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Helping Caregivers

I sat with my uncle Carson yesterday who is suffering from Alzheimer's. He cannot walk anymore without someone's assistance so we two set for several hours.  Help was just a phone call away if he needed it.

The picture above is when I was walking to do a little laundry and had a cute kitty hitchhiker!

I am a pro at sitting so I felt I could give my caregiver aunt a break.

Let me encourage others to help a caregiver!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

caregivers always need a break, it is worse than having the disease to care for someone with memory problems. cute kitty hitchhiker. my friends hubby has Alzheimer and he gets hysterical when she is not in the room, so no one can sit with him but sometimes her daughter

Karen said...

I still think of your aunt and uncle often and have good memories of their pastorate. I am sure your aunt Sue appreciates all you do to help and the prayers offered as well. It's good when family can help each other during times of need.

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you for caring for the carer.
Love your hitchhiker too. A charming furry freeloader.

Ginny Hartzler said...

So sorry about Carson. I have personal experience with Alzheimers. So sorrowful.

DUTA said...

Sorry for your uncle's condition. I can imagine how difficult it is for the family to cope with his situation. Wife and daughter need any assistance one could offer, and I'm sure they greatly appreciate your help.

Cute picture!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Love the kitty hitchhiker!

Gail said...

Hi Kim - oh yes, our caregivers need help and sport and time for themselves to balance. I pray every day for relief for my husband from all that he does to care for my needs.
So glad you were able to do just that for your Aunt :-)
Love Gail

Terra said...

I imagine those two hours were precious for your aunt. Caregivers must get so worn out.

Haddock said...

Like Sandra said, caregivers always need a break. You are doing the right thing.

Far Side of Fifty said...

How nice of you to sit with him I am certain your Aunt appreciated it! :)

sprinkles said...

Caregivers need a break sometimes too. It's hard work taking care of someone all the time.

My Odd Sock said...

Very kind of you for spelling your aunt. Not so kind of the kitty for taking your seat!
Amazing how pets find the strangest places to stretch out.

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