Sunday, April 3, 2016

Spring Miracles

I felt like superman as I stood up from my chair......picked up that heavy blue blanket and lifted it to the top of my wardrobe! 

I said "wow this is just miraculous!  I haven't been able to do this in years" even decades!

Sometimes the simple things in life become the big things!


Gail said...

Hi Kim -oh yes, the simplest things are miracles for us MS'ers!! I get excited when I can lift and turn my leg to put on underwear, so ya, I get it and"YAY!!!

Love Gail

Eat To Live said...

Yay!!! Good for you. So happy to see you are improving.

Aodhnait said...

Happy Springtime Kim!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i standing and cheering and clapping my hands. so happy for you..

Elephant's Child said...

Oh wow. How absolutely WONDERFUL.
The little things are HUGE in my world.

Ruth Hiebert said...


diane b said...

Well done I hope you can continue to do new things so' stuff could even be better.'

Karen Mortensen said...

Way to go. Good for you.

sprinkles said...

That's wonderful! I hope you continue to improve.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

That is SUPER..... I can only imagine how you felt after doing that.... Hope you can experience more moments like that..... God Bless.


Unknown said...

I'ts really good to hear that! good for you!
Believe it, Cherry Hill School Security

Joseph Pulikotil said...


Surely it is a spring miracle. You must have been very,very thrilled.

Wish you all happiness.

Laura said...

Oh Kim this is wonderful. You know I understand this well… every little thing is magnified when we look through a heart of gratitude! Appreciation is as much a blessing as a renewed ability we thought would never be possible again. Thanks so much for checking in on me at my blog.

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