Friday, March 13, 2015

Playing Games

I was thrilled to see my name at the top of the "Words With Friends" scoreboard one week!
                        (my group of random opponents for that week)

I am also embarrassed to admit that I waste that much time!  

Somehow I do find it relaxing to play brain games??? 
                          Kinda like reading a book

I am also taking the time to enjoy this spring weather!  I hope yall can too!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

playing games is no different than playing blogging, or playing on picmonkey or playing at coloring or painting. it is a hobby that you love. go for it

Muffie said...

I just wrote about doing puzzles! It really does our brains good to do these games.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Facebook? I LOVE playing Scrabble and Words With Friends! Friend me (Ginny Hartzler) and then we can play!! I know you will beat me, but maybe after awhile I can win.

Elephant's Child said...

Play is never wasted time. Or that is my excuse anyway...

Connie Arnold said...

Good for you! I enjoy Words with Friends very much and find it relaxing yet good for keeping my mind sharper and more active. Let's keep playing!

Karen Mortensen said...

wow. I found a game on Facebook that I wish I hadn't found. But you need a little diversion every once in a while.

Small Kucing said...

exercise for the brain :)

DUTA said...

Nothing that gives one pleasure is a waste of time.
Games are said to sharpen the mind and relax the body.
So, go for it!

DUTA said...

Nothing that gives one pleasure is a waste of time.
Games are said to sharpen the mind and relax the body.
So, go for it!

sprinkles said...

I've never played this game before, but have heard that it's a lot of fun.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Anything we do to keep our brains active is important. Some of us blog; some of us are on Facebook or other social media programs; some play games; some teach; some hike and participate in nature; some garden; etc. etc. etc. ---Oh yes, and some of us are BIRDERS..... ha

Enjoy yourself and keep the brain active.

Flying high in the sky.... said...

Congratulations!!! haaa haaa

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