Friday, January 31, 2014

2014 Snow is Melting

January 31, 2014

the chair carrier on the back of my Smart car is still covered in snow/ice....for the 4th day!
Surely it will melt as the temperature is gonna be 50 today....
and 60 tomorrow!

I actually saw zero on my digital deck thermometer yesterday.....
we are having crazy weather in Atlanta.
January 28, 2014

My hats off to the ones who live with snow much longer than 4 days!

~Again I am Thankful for a warm house~


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i agree with you about the ones that live with it.. yowsa... your little car is so cute

Birdie said...

I have no idea how people live with snow for months at a time. We get a dusting here and I don't like it at all. And the cold? meh

Aodhnait said...


I hope your smart handles well in the snow!

Eat To Live said...

Our snow is melting too... but we are only in February tomorrow. I bet we will be getting more snow.

HappyK said...

Oh but some of us like snow. : ) I'm enjoying the snow, the cold not so much.

Ruth Hiebert said...

At 4 days we are just beginning to enjoy the snow after 4 months we are ready to see it go. :)

Karen said...

We live with snow for at least 5 months of the year, sometimes 6! We don't really know anything different, so for us it's normal, and most Canadians enjoy winter! I like winter, can't stand it when temperatures get above 65F.

Karen Mortensen said...

Glad it is going to warm up. You could send all of your snow to us in CA. We need it.

diane b said...

Hope you can get out soon. Snow makes pretty scenes but I am happy to do without it.

Muffy's Marks said...

Hope by this time everything is thawed, and the snow is melted, with the forecast predicting sunny and warm!!!

sprinkles said...

Overall, we've had a really mild winter here. I woke up to a smattering of snow in the back yard this morning, but it was all gone by mid-afternoon.

Hope yours has all melted by now too.

Debbie said...

Me too! I'm also thankful that I live south of Atlanta right now. I do not like the cold!

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