Saturday, August 10, 2013

Snake on my Deck

my horse dog was barking at the deck door.......I go to see what it is.......but when I saw a king snake...
it was way too close for comfort!

(I have a bad photo of it......but I wanted to keep a door between me and the snake)

hubs let the snake go......since king snakes kill poisonous snakes.

it was creepy but.......i reckon this is part of living life in the metro woods!

ps.  Thanks for the condolences for the loss of Dad.......
Dad would be sayin......oh that is a good snake......leave it alone.


Small Kucing said...

That's scary, Kim...

"Horse" certainly a good guardian :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I agree with your dad, let the snakes go.. at least you have someone to warn you it is out there.

Artsnark said...

At least it is a good snake & it sounds like your guardian is doing his job too :)

We get a lot of snakes & they always seem to startle me. Haven't seen any king snakes tho

Karen said...

Good snake or not, I don't blame you for keeping the door between you...snakes are about my least favorite creatures....

Gail said...

Scary. We had a snake that shed its skin every year on our front porch! Not a king snake though. I love your horse/dog! Happy weekend
Love Gail

Ruth Hiebert said...

I'm with you,keep a safe distance from the snake.

BARBIE said...

I don't care for snakes, at all. I would definately keep the door between us. Continued prayers for you my friend.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I would have passed out right then and there! Either that or tried to run, and trip over something. Kills POISONOUS snakes? You mean you have poisonous ones around too?

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Hubs has killed several water moccasins in the years before....and they struck at him instead of running away....scared me to death as I watched him

Rae said...

I'm not afraid of snakes but I have a healthy respect for them and like to keep a distance. I don't blame you for keeping the door closed between you.

Elephant's Child said...

In one of our houses we had a red-bellied black snake (poisonous) living under the front steps. I only used the back door for about nine months of the year.
I don't do snakes well.
And my father would have echoed yours...

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

I hate snakes but men don't seem to mind them LOL..
Two of our little dogs killed one between them as we watched last summer.. But many dogs get bitten and die.

Birdie said...

I love snakes but I would have stayed inside as well.

sprinkles said...

EEK!!! I would have freaked the eff out if I had a snake anywhere near my house!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, I'm back after a big birthday week. Trying to catch up a little on my blogging.

I don't like snakes of ANY KIND.. BUT--I know that there are 'good' ones out there... I just don't know one from the other...


My Odd Sock said...

Yes, king snakes are good. Great for rodent patrol as well. (Also helps to keep you off the deck!)

Terry said...

I agree with the guys let him be. He will do you good.

Terry said...

They are a lot more aggressive than our rattlers. Given a chance they will leave.

Aodhnait said...

Eeek! I'm scared of snakes

Aren't dogs great at warning us of dangers?!

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