Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Another Surgery?

For a few months...
I have been weaker than my normal 'MS' kind of tired...

~so after many tests~

my Doctor recommended that I go see a surgeon about having my gallbladder removed.

Maybe a 'less than normal' functioning gallbladder and some pain....
well, could it make me weak??

I do not want to have surgery but I am tired of being really, really nausea's!

I am trying not to least the surgery is minor nowadays...and
I remember: This too shall Pass!


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

My mom had hers removed a couple of years ago, and felt much better.

Muffie said...

Kim, so sorry about your weakness and nausea. I hope the surgery takes care of it.

Gail said...

HI KIM - So sorry to hear of you needing gall bladder surgery. I had mine out many years ago when the procedure was still barbaric. Now, it is a one day in and out thing with no big scar so I have heard and saw with my daughter. Still, it is unsettling, I know. I will be praying for you. And yes, "this too shall pass" - My Aunt/Godmother that just died most favorite saying - in fact it was written on her memory card.
Love Gail

Travelogue for the Universe said...

A bad gall bladder can make you sick. That stresses out your system. Hope you get relief. They can often do less invasively.Best wishes, mary

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Bless your heart, Kim.. I'll keep you in my prayers. God Bless You.

Elephant's Child said...

Oh Kim. I am so so sorry. Surgery is never on anyone's wish list - however 'minor' the procedure is. Sending quality and healing good wishes your way.

Sueann said...

Oh you will feel so much better when this is removed!!
I know I did
Hugs and good luck

Eat To Live said...

Oh Darn Kim!! I hate to see you go through more surgery. Getting older is sure not any fun! I wish you well.

The Unknowngnome said...

Oh Kim, I'm sorry to hear of you needing this. I hope and pray that you have a speedy recovery and improved health from it.

Your optimism though forever shines and I don't think that will ever pass. :)

Remember, "Stuff Could Always be Worse". :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i had mine out a couple months ago and the good news is, all that pain and nausea is gone now. i can relate. hope all goes well with your surgery

lindagrace said...

Dagnabit Kim! It's like insult to injury! I don't know much about gall bladder stuff but it sounds like from the comments that the surgery is a relatively simple procedure. Stay strong!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

My friend had hers out but worried and hesitated so much before and now that it's over...she feels so much better. No more getting sick to her stomach. Hugs to you Kim.

Karen Mortensen said...

Sounds exciting. LOL Good luck and I wish you all the best.

Small Kucing said...

sorry to hear this but hopefully after the surgery everything will be better

Karen said...

Another difficulty Kim, but you will feel so much better after the surgery.

Sextant said...

Sorry to hear about your gall bladder, but the surgery is minor (if there is such a thing) compared to how it used to be. My brother in law had his removed last year and it made a big difference. I will keep you in my prayers.

Unknown said...

Go figure eh? I had mine out with three tiny holes and felt so much better after. Hang in there kiddo, sunshine is around the corner! Hugs to you.

Connie Arnold said...

Praying that you will be much better soon. All the people I know who have had the surgery have felt much better afterward.

Artsnark said...

((hugs)) Sending well wishes & healing thoughts.

Joanne said...

I hear the surgery is less intrusive than it used to be...just the word "surgery" is icky. Hope the result. Brings you more energy
Blessings, Joanne

Unknown said...

Oh sweet Kim, praying for you as you prepare for your recovery. I know God is with You and praying for His comfort and healing.

Becky Jane said...

Sending a prayer that you'll be guided in your decision. A messed up gall bladder can sure be troublesome. HUGS!

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Many suffer unnecessary with the gall Bladder, you will feel so much better following this being done. Much care is given in surgery. I pray the doctors hands are those of Christs..and you have a good procedure.. Love and blessings sent your way. xx

Are We There Yet! said...

Wishing you well Kim!! Hope all goes well and you are up and at em in no time.

Stacey said...

Hey Kim, just wondering how you are doing? Praying for you!

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