Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Remembering my Grandfather

This is a pic of my grandfather enjoying time on his porch...
His 26 grandchildren called him "Big Daddy"

He was a respected man that was married over 60 years with 8 kids....when younger, he had to walk to work, no indoor plumbing, and worked in the copper mines....he had a tough but happy life!

He passed away in the early 1980's

When I saw this old photo...
I smiled and thought "Hello"!

I feel like an old photo is a treasure.


Eat To Live said...

I love looking at old photos. Now all the pictures are on disks... or most of them are.

I bet seeing that gave you happy memories.

Ginny Hartzler said...

An old photo IS a treasure, and I have enjoyed reading about him! Copper mines must be very hard work!!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

betcha he had some great stories! :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

there is nothing like a photo to stire up fond memories. I love it when i find a treasure like this one.

Unknown said...

What a sweet pic of Big Daddy and what an inspiration. So often we think the little inconveniences we face each day are a big deal. I'm sure his example has helped you deal with your major life inconveniences. God knew you needed Big Daddy! :)

Muffie said...

Lucky you to have known such a special man. I never knew my grandparents, and that's a loss. But, I, too, like looking at old photos!

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Grandparents are special folk and your grandfather was one of those. Yes they had it tough, but rarely complained. So glad you have this photo mate... Blessings xxx

Anne said...

A treassure indeed - I've only seen my grandmother on my mothers side, and she passed a way in the late 70s so only have a limited number of photos of the both of us. Whenever I spot gummibears or Fanta, then I am reminded of good times at her house.

Elephant's Child said...

How amazing. Like Muffie I didn't know my grandparents, which left a big hole.
Wonderful photo, wonderful memories to cherish.

Leovi said...

A delicious tribute.

Sueann said...

I love looking back on old photos. They show us so many blessings!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post! I never knew my grandparents and I only have photos of my grandmother. I will have to haul out that box of pics soon!

Rachel Cotterill said...

He looks happy & relaxed to be there :)

Glenda said...

I so agree: old pics - and the memories that go with them - are priceless treasures! I'm sure your grandfather had so many wonderful stories to tell!

Becky Jane said...

What a cool tribute to him. He looks like a fun guy to be around. Old photos can tell such amazing stories! Thanks for sharing!

Alida Sharp said...

What a blessing to have such fond memories and a cherished photo of him!

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