Monday, April 23, 2012

Windy Days

I like to watch this tree blowing in the wind...
yet standing tall!

below the camera captured what I did not see
Spider webs are amazing
even if I have a spider phobia!


Ginny Hartzler said...

I agree, the webs ARE amazing, the different shapes and lacy designs. Now if they could exist without the spiders....

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I hear ya sweetie. Webs are like grand works of art!!!

Your photo is simply beautiful.

God bless and have a splendid week my friend!!! :o)

Karen said...

It's really windy here today, and we are expecting snow! Great spider web pic!

Glenda said...

It's windy here in Louisiana, too! Don't you love it when your lens surprises you? :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we talk about the amazing webs almost every day. bob tears down the web and the next day it is back, we watch the little star spiders and they can do one in a few hours. i don't like spiders and hate when i walk through a web.

Becky Jane said...

I can see why you enjoy watching this tree sway in the wind. It's a beautiful tree. I also enjoy the sound of the wind blowing through the soothing and comforting.

Elizabeth Grimes said...

I'm spider phobic too! Nice photos though. :)

Tracy said...

hah, no kidding it is windy today...I didn't even walk home like I usually do-I made my husband come and pick me up :) and cold too! brrrr....

Elephant's Child said...

Windy days make me a bit antsy. Glorious tree though - and I loved your spider web. Real artists. I also love it when they are etched in ice.

Travelogue for the Universe said...

Nice artsy shots! Webs are hard to get right. Have a great week. mary

Karen Mortensen said...

Beautiful pictures. I love spider webs too. They are amazing.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

It's been crazy windy here too!

Debbie said...

As chronically phobic as I am, I'm actually not afraid of spiders. Cautious, yes. Afraid, no.

And I love to look at the intricate webs. That was a great capture.

We had a rather blustery day yesterday, too. (Did I just sound like Winnie the Pooh?)

Small Kucing said...

it's brave of you to go near the spider web and snap photo though you are afraid of spider

Eat To Live said...

My Daughter is really scared of spiders, me.... I go after and kill them.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you...spiker webs are a true work of art UNTIL you walk through them. Ugh!

Rachel said...

I love the sound of wind blowing through the trees...I'm NOT spiderphobic they weave such beautiful webs, and to think, they have to weave a new one almost daily.

DUTA said...

Very nice capture of a spider web!
The tree in the first picture defying the wind, is also quite a tree.

Wanda said...

A tree in my back yard has been capturing my attention. It's ability to endure the seasons speaks such volumes to me.

Betty Manousos said...

i am a spider phobic, too, but i must say that spider web shot is incredibly beautiful!

happy weekend!

Nancy said...

It's terribly windy here today as well -- I like when trees can take the best that nature can give them! Wonderful spiderwebby shot -- I'm always amazed at their intricacy. :)

Ramakrishnan said...

Great pics. That's the web of life - intricate yet beautiful. Trust you are making rapid progress.

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