Monday, March 12, 2012

Hand-Control Driving

I was driving down my driveway

when my Smart car coasted to a stop
the hand-controls would not press the gas pedal but
would press the brake.

I called Hubs...

I said "the car will not go"
he said "where are you at?"
I said "in the driveway"
If he had looked out the door he would have seen me!

He soon found the problem....
the hand-controls have a locking device that neither of us knew we know to watch out for that lock button in the future!

I am Thankful for a Hubs that can fix stuff
and rescue me in the driveway....
Oh, the little things!


Eat To Live said...

I always call my Hubs when things go wrong too.... What would we do without them?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so glad it happened in the drive way. and i too am blessed with a husband that can fix anything and that is on call for me 24/7.

Muffie said...

What I know about cars you could put on the head of a pin! So, if I still drove, I'd be dong the same!

Nani said...

I need to make a note of that! I hope to be switching to hand controls in my car soon ad my husband is NOT the mechanical type, he's a writer. :)

Joanne said...

Awww you hubby is a keeper!
Blessings, Joanne

Elizabeth Grimes said...

Glad you weren't any farther away than your drive away. :)

Wanda said...

Good that you were just in the drive way when it happened.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Well, it was convenient of you to break down in the driveway! :-)

Tracy said...

Yes, Kim, it IS the little things...and don't all the little things add up to be big?
Havean awesome day!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I was scared for a minute that it was broken!!!! Good that it was only the lock and your hubby is good with things like this!

Karen said...

Thank goodness you were still in the driveway!

Nancy said...

Too funny! Not that your car wouldn't "go," but that you were still in the driveway. :)

Glenda said...

Your hubby saved you lots of time and money! I'm glad you weren't on a busy road!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim!
It is the little things...
Sometimes I forget to appreciate the little things hubby does for me. He's my fixer upper as well!
Have a great week Kim!


Anonymous said...

Wish I had a hubs to help me out but, until I do, it's me and AAA road assist! Glad to see all is well!

Webster said...

Having a husband who knows how to fix things is NOT a little thing. It is one great big blessing. Aren't we lucky?

P.S. My Monarch hand controls do not have that switch on them, then again, they are at least 21 years old. What brand do you have?

Elephant's Child said...

And aren't the little things sooooo frustrating. Glad it was soon solved.

Aries said...

Same goes for my hubby, he repairs almost everything in the house, from my sons toys to every parts of the house. So when something goes wrong, the first person I called is my hubby. Guess most husbands are born handyman of the house. Hahahah and glad they are too.

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