Thursday, December 22, 2016

Merry Christmas from My Family

To Yours....
           with a few pics of my family.

Grandson, hubs and I

One of my best gifts was being with my precious silly grandson!

I like this picture of us five sisters chatting at our Christmas dinner.

Oma (German for grandma) giving him presents

This will be first Christmas my son will be home for Christmas in 6 years!  He was serving as a Marine.

I hope you can tell I am one thankful mom wishing all a Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Moving Obstacles

I was driving down the driveway this morning but yikes I see a tree limb is blocking me!

Well sorta blocking me since I am in a tiny Smart car!

Objects do appear larger than they are until you stand below shows

Thankfully I was able to walk holding onto the car and I moved it out of my way!

I felt like superman!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Gratitude Reminders

many analogies here
 (my sister Jill took pic)

I went to see my doctor yesterday at Shepherd Spinal Center.  I walked with my walker being very appreciative as I saw.....

A woman in a wheelchair with her head frozen looking up and her mouth frozen open.  She was accompanied by what looked like her mother.

A young man being rushed down the hall on a stretcher being followed closely by very concerned looking parents.

A young man in a wheelchair repeatedly saying, hello, hello, hi, mama, home....accompanied by staff.

A lady in a wheelchair with her gray haired husband trying to get a coat to lay on her.

The day left me being so grateful for what I am able to do!
                   I hope it does you to!

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