When this photo of my beloved horse dog came up on my Facebook memories from 2010.....I was reminded of when I was trying to find Donnie a good home back in 2010!
I am glad it was my good home I found. I was feeling so stressed and felt I can't handle a big dog in the house....little did I know.
It did get worse that year when hubs was laid off from his job!.
Thankfully he did get a job after 8 months finally! However it was a night shift job for 3 years.....It was comforting that I had my big horse dog in the house!
My Donny has protected me in ways I will never know.....
The most memorable time was when a water moccasin snake was coming toward me as my wheelchair was stuck by the fence.....he bit the snake in half when the snake got 2 feet from me!! And to think I was trying to find Donny another home!
Try to Remember when life gets so hard...... just hang on......we can't see the big picture!