Friday, January 24, 2014

Freezing Outside

feel so blessed to be in the warmth looking out at the frozen lake, this morning.

Remember the people that are cold during this artic blast!


  1. what a beautiful view. i love that tree... i am just glad i am in Florida...

  2. All I do is look out through the windows because it's so cold and icy. I'm thankful every day for the warmth in my house!

  3. Lovely photo, Kim. Glad you (and I) are INSIDE today. We have had more snow this morning--but not too much so far… It's another cold one with more frigid temps coming next week…. Brrrrrrr.

  4. It is a beautiful warm day here as well. Currently it is 6 c (43 F). No complaints about the weather today!

  5. When the temperatures drop we can be so thankful for warm homes.

  6. It gives you that feeling of security, doesn't it?

  7. That is a beautiful picture but glad you are inside staying warm.

  8. Beautiful picture, and I agree about the cold. I have thought of those who don't have any access to the news, etc. and would have had no idea that it was coming. My heart hurts for them.

  9. Beautiful picture, and I agree about the cold. I have thought of those who don't have any access to the news, etc. and would have had no idea that it was coming. My heart hurts for them.

  10. Your picture makes it look quite nice outside! Far different from the -25 it is today (Sunny though!).


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