Wednesday, December 23, 2015

My Wheelchair Gift

I am so happy that I got this chair before Christmas!  (I still do not like the wheelchair look) but it gives me independence!

My old chair was really trying my patience since I had to charge it 5 times a day, getting stuck to receive a fast powerful dependable chair is truly a gift!  It makes my spine stay straight which alleviates some of the pain......which is a another great thing!

Of course walking again with a walker (part of the day) is the most miraculous gift!  I still need the chair to conserve energy and to do housework though.....

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas as I celebrate with my family......the bestest gift ever!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Enjoying Differences

Connie Arnold's newest book for children, Mokey's New Friends, has just been released from Guardian Angel Publishing. It is a story about a monkey named Mokey who makes friends with a donkey named DeeDee and a squirrel named Charlie. They have some fun adventures, and children can learn about loving and accepting those who are different in looks and abilities.

You can see more about Mokey's New Friends and other books on Connie's website or blog.

Mokey's New Friends and Connie's other books are available on Amazon.

The colorful and lively illustrations are by artist Marina Movshina Two Pines Studio

This video shows some examples of some unusual friendships between different animals. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Crying with Santa

I think this photo of my great nephews is so cute!  

Some babies do not care for Santa....and I understand that!

I hope your first day of December is going better than baby Logan's was!