Monday, August 30, 2010

A Designed Body having Leg Spasms

I learned something new at Shepherd MS Clinic....duh...every part of the body works together!

While suffering with leg spasms for a year or so and taking more meds, exercising, etc.  They told me to try watching the digestive system.  It can effect the leg spasms. 

The basic rules, when filling with liquid it needs to travel on it's way out.  I have been watching this more carefully and it has helped my leg spasms some.

When disease or age effects the perfection, I guess we learn to adjust.   There is also aides to help the damaged parts of the body.

Did I ever wonder that God had not designed our bodies to work perfectly? Nah....

My opinion spiritually, I believe His body has been designed to work together also.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Finding Sam....

His large family had been searching for him, many times in Atlanta.  They were so happy to find Sam after years of searching.

He was driving a truck and became ill.  Since he did not know how to get home he became homeless.

When we were going to feed, minister, clothe the homeless in Atlanta we met Sam. 

After time we became acquainted with Sam.  We realized he was a sincere hard worker.

Our Pastor began to trust him (cautiously).  They had him live on their farm in a camper (with caution).  He attended Church with them and worked with our Pastor Carson.

We learned more about his family as time went by.   I googled and found his sister.  He was happy to call her.

They arranged to come after him after so many years of searching.  He lives back home with his family for years now.   He still calls our pastor.

I was reminded of Sam, when we went by a homeless guy.  I think it is so sad, when some are just challenged.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Glass Half Full....Guest Post...

Guest Post from Michael B. Gerber over at Perspective Is Everything. 
 I love his blog and attitude, read this and you will agree.....

We have all heard it a thousand times. It is actually a great metaphor for how one views a situation or the world around them. The problem with this metaphor is that it doesn’t tell the whole story. How do I know this to be true? Because my ‘glass’ is neither half full, nor half empty.

As I have mentioned before, living with a disability has taught me a great deal about gratitude and perspective. I have also learned that I am blessed with a pretty good attitude. In fact, sometimes I will say things that even surprise me. One of those “things” has to do with the glass.
Someone once told me that I always see the glass as being half full. This was my reply: “My glass isn’t half full. My glass is over-flowing. My glass is “HAVE” full.” The fact is that seeing the glass as over-flowing is easy to do when you have the right perspective. The way that I see it, my life is filled with blessings and miracles, more than I could ever count during the course of a day or a lifetime. My glass is truly over-flowing.

Not long ago, I was introduced to Mitchell who is truly a great man. He has been in a motorcycle crash and an airplane crash and lives to tell about it. He is paralyzed from the waist down, suffered third degree burns over 65% of his body and has no fingers left on his hands. He often says "Before I was paralyzed there were 10,000 things I could do; now there are 9,000. I can either dwell on the 1,000 I've lost or focus on the 9,000 I have left." ( This is a man who sees his glass as over-flowing.

What has he got? Perspective. The kind of perspective that is shaped by gratitude. The kind of gratitude that comes from experience. Our perspective affects the choices we make every minute of every day. Mitchell chooses to see his glass as over-flowing. So do I.

What is in your glass? What choices have you made and what choices will you make tomorrow? Will your glass be half empty or half full? My hope is that your glass will be over-flowing.

Written by Michael B. Gerber, to read more of Michael's blog go to Perspective Is Everything

Friday, August 20, 2010

Pulled from a bath tub

The nurses came to my home to help me with bathing.   They literally had to pull me out of the bath tub.

It is a horrible feeling when one cannot take care of ones personal hygiene.

I could not stand and was falling down often.  I was feeling like a wet noodle!

I sometimes had to have help with pulling up my pants as I tried to hold on and not fall.

To make things worse, I also became allergic to ACTH IV's.  It was the only meds they had back in the 1980-1990's.

Perfect timing for me.  The Betaseron injections came out!  There was a lottery to receive these new meds.  We were so thrilled.

These new meds have been a life saver for me.  I give God the credit behind the research personally.

When it looks dismal do not give up.  Keep Hoping!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thankful for New Shoes.....

I am Thankful for needing a new pair of shoes!  When you ride, you never wear out shoes.

I need the ankle support.  It is a wonderful feeling to need shoes to walk with.

I know yall get tired of reading about my shoes.  It is a new stage of my life again.

Be Thankful for small stuff!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I Think Myself Happy

Acts 26:2 Paul said this, as he started his defense before King Agrippa.  Surely we can say this, during our troubles today.

While visiting Weezers Haven,  I copied this verse. She has a wonderful blog. She gave me this award also!

I cannot pass it on, to all the ladies who deserve it....Shhh, you can take it.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Reasons Not To Go To Church

If you took the same excuses that people use for not going to Church, apply them to other important areas of life you would realize how inconsistent we can be, For example:

 Reasons Not To Wash:

1.  I was forced to as a child.
2.  People who make soap are only after your money.
3.  I wash on special occasions like Christmas and Easter. 
4.  People who wash are hypocrites - They Think they are cleaner than everyone else.
‎5.  There are so many different kinds of soap, I can't decide which one is best.
6.  I used to wash, but it got boring so I stopped. 
7.  None of my friends wash
8.  The bathroom is never warm enough in the winter or cool enough in the summer. 
9.   I'll start washing when I get older and dirtier. 
10. I can't spare the time

Saw this on the net, just thought it ironically made sense....

Friday, August 13, 2010

Pain and Torture

Well it was Physical Therapy.  I went to Atlanta, Shepherd Center.  They have extensive PT.

I saw firsthand again, it can be worse than I.  Many have a long road ahead of them.

I came home to a lunch, cooked by my grown kids. Deliciously surprised by them.  (they do grow up fast)

I did not do my exercises, she instructed me to do.  I was tired, the same excuse everyone has! Another day....

I suppose life does require some Pain and Torture!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Armadillo Nights....

We lost a nights sleep since our dogs, were so upset.  Our horse dog, kept whining and gruffing from 12-3 am.

I let him out at 3, he heard the dogs in the fence, so upset.  Then at 4 am, son goes out to investigate.

He saw a frightened Armadillo, hiding from the dogs barking.  It was safe, since the dogs were in the fence.  Even the horse dog, is all about barking.

I thought there was no point to this story.

I can see us spiritually hiding, and yet we are safe and protected.  Spiritually a fence is holding back the enemy.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Seeing God....

Photos by Gary Strader

Seeing God

How can anyone not see God
in the beauty spread all around,
from the azure sky and mountain high,
to flowers covering the ground,
as everywhere that you may look,
evidence of God’s splendor is found?

How can anyone not see God
in a beautiful butterfly’s wing,
the leaves in fall, vibrant colors on all,
in new life returning in spring,
as everywhere you see displayed
the Creator’s touch on everything?

How can anyone not see God
in a tiny newborn’s eyes,
in the evidence of a parent’s love,
soothing the baby’s cries,
as everywhere after night is done,
another day glows with a new sunrise?

How can anyone not see God
in uniqueness of each face,
from young to old, from gentle to bold,
of every color and race,
as everywhere evidence is seen
of God’s mercy, love and grace?
From: Abundant Comfort and Grace by Connie Arnold

Connie's Husband holding

If you visit my blog, you know how much I love her poems.  Connie has a new book!  Abundant Comfort and Grace   Beautiful, spiritual poems.

Please leave a comment to be entered in two drawings, one for a copy of Connie's first book, Beautiful Moments of Joy and Peace, and one for a $10 Amazon gift certificate.
There will also be a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift certificate from those purchasing a signed copy of Abundant Comfort and Grace from Connie's website, or online and contact Connie with confirmation of purchase at:

Join the tour tomorrow at: Reviews From The Heart

Friday, August 6, 2010

Hillbilly Laundry

My sisters pet chicken, Lucky, even helps her with laundry.

I love the Mountains but I tease her with "Hillbilly".  How many city folks have chickens for pets?

I thought it was so cute!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Waves Wednesday

Life seems to be this way.  Everything will come and go, like the waves of the sea.

Photo by my sister Teresa, of the Atlantic Ocean.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Volunteering at School

I saw immediately, how our Teachers do need help.  She could not teach, and see all the mischief going on.

This was my sons first year of Public School.  I wanted to help him adjust.  I asked the school, how?

They said, help the teacher of 4th grade, a few hours a day.  Do not remember how many days.

She had me help with paperwork, listen to a child read, etc.  I was an witness to crime extra pair of eyes.

This was many years ago, volunteer rules are more strict.  I know schools still need an extra hand.